What Happened?

In 1954 the US Supreme Court declared that segregating schools was illegal. But the change in our schools and society was not instinatoius, it was not until September of 1957 when nine teenagers would impact such a strong movement. The nine teens that had the courage to fight for change are known as the “Little Rock Nine''. The students were going to be the first African American students to attend Little Rock Central High School. The Night Before on September 2, 1957 the Governor of Arkansas Orval Faubus ordered the State's National Guard to block their entrance. The Governor Claimed that the Order was for the protection of the nine students. Once word had gotten out that these nine students would be attending Little Rock Central High, a mob formed outside of the school attempting to prevent their entrance.

Two Weeks later, a federal judge ordered the national guard to be removed. On September 23, The Nine students attempted to enter the school again. They were escorted into a side door by Little Rock Police. This effort still wasn't enough, because another angry mob attempted to enter the school. For the safety of the students, the school sent the nine students home after around three hours of class. On September 25, President Dwight Eisenhower Federalized the National Guard and sent the U.S Army to guard the Nine Students. With the help of the Army, the Nine students were able to get the school and started to regularly attend classes. However, the Little Rock Nine Still Experienced constant harassment and threats. But this did not stop them. In May of 1958, Ernest Green became the first African American graduated from Central High.